超低温の恒星を周回する地球サイズの惑星を発見(Astronomers discover new Earth-sized world orbiting an ultra-cool star)


2024-05-15 バーミンガム大学

SPECULOOS-3 bは、超低温矮星周辺で発見された2番目の惑星で、約17時間でその星を一周します。星は太陽よりも2倍以上冷たく、質量が10分の1、明るさが100分の1です。惑星は潮汐固定されており、常に同じ側が星を向いています。発見はSPECULOOSプロジェクトによるもので、ベルギーのリエージュ大学が主導し、バーミンガム大学、ケンブリッジ大学、ベルン大学、MITが協力しました。超低温矮星は銀河系の70%を占め、長寿命で、最後まで輝き続ける星とされています。JWSTによる追加観測で惑星の表面鉱物や大気の可能性を調査する予定です。


近傍の超低温矮惑星SPECULOOS-3を周回する地球サイズの系外惑星を発見 Detection of an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the nearby ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3

Michaël Gillon,Peter P. Pedersen,Benjamin V. Rackham,Georgina Dransfield,Elsa Ducrot,Khalid Barkaoui,Artem Y. Burdanov,Urs Schroffenegger,Yilen Gómez Maqueo Chew,Susan M. Lederer,Roi Alonso,Adam J. Burgasser,Steve B. Howell,Norio Narita,Julien de Wit,Brice-Olivier Demory,Didier Queloz,Amaury H. M. J. Triaud,Laetitia Delrez,Emmanuël Jehin,Matthew J. Hooton,Lionel J. Garcia,Clàudia Jano Muñoz,Catriona A. Murray,… Francis Zong Lang
Nature Astronomy  Published:15 May 2024

超低温の恒星を周回する地球サイズの惑星を発見(Astronomers discover new Earth-sized world orbiting an ultra-cool star)


Located at the bottom of the main sequence, ultracool dwarf stars are widespread in the solar neighbourhood. Nevertheless, their extremely low luminosity has left their planetary population largely unexplored, and only one of them, TRAPPIST-1, has so far been found to host a transiting planetary system. In this context, we present the SPECULOOS project’s detection of an Earth-sized planet in a 17 h orbit around an ultracool dwarf of M6.5 spectral type located 16.8 pc away. The planet’s high irradiation (16 times that of Earth) combined with the infrared luminosity and Jupiter-like size of its host star make it one of the most promising rocky exoplanet targets for detailed emission spectroscopy characterization with JWST. Indeed, our sensitivity study shows that just ten secondary eclipse observations with the Mid-InfraRed Instrument/Low-Resolution Spectrometer on board JWST should provide strong constraints on its atmospheric composition and/or surface mineralogy.
