岩石の浸透性と微小地震の関連性が地熱エネルギーに恩恵をもたらす可能性(Rock permeability, microquakes link may be a boon for geothermal energy)


2024-04-10 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究者は、機械学習を使用して、微小地震と地下岩石の透水性を結び付け、地熱エネルギーの転送を改善する可能性を発見しました。地熱エネルギーの生成には、冷たい流体が岩石に押し込まれるときに熱を効率的に放出するための透水性の地下が必要です。研究では、地表での地震計を通じて監視される微小地震との関連性が明らかにされ、効率的なエネルギー転送の最適なタイミングが明らかになりました。研究結果は、Nature Communicationsに掲載されました。


微小地震によって発生する地殻の浸透性は地震モーメントによって制約される Crustal permeability generated through microearthquakes is constrained by seismic moment

Pengliang Yu,Ankur Mali,Thejasvi Velaga,Alex Bi,Jiayi Yu,Chris Marone,Parisa Shokouhi & Derek Elsworth
Nature communications  Published:06 March 2024

岩石の浸透性と微小地震の関連性が地熱エネルギーに恩恵をもたらす可能性(Rock permeability, microquakes link may be a boon for geothermal energy)


We link changes in crustal permeability to informative features of microearthquakes (MEQs) using two field hydraulic stimulation experiments where both MEQs and permeability evolution are recorded simultaneously. The Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) model effectively predicts permeability evolution and ultimate permeability increase. Our findings confirm the form of key features linking the MEQs to permeability, offering mechanistically consistent interpretations of this association. Transfer learning correctly predicts permeability evolution of one experiment from a model trained on an alternate dataset and locale, which further reinforces the innate interdependency of permeability-to-seismicity. Models representing permeability evolution on reactivated fractures in both shear and tension suggest scaling relationships in which changes in permeability (Δk) are linearly related to the seismic moment (M) of individual MEQs as ΔkM. This scaling relation rationalizes our observation of the permeability-to-seismicity linkage, contributes to its predictive robustness and accentuates its potential in characterizing crustal permeability evolution using MEQs.
