反射材と灌漑樹木:世界で最も暑い都市のひとつを4.5℃冷やす方法を示す研究結果(Reflective materials and irrigated trees: study shows how to cool one of the world’s hottest cities by 4.5°C)


2024-01-12 ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)

◆UNSW Sydneyの研究によれば、サウジアラビアの首都Riyadhを最大で4.5°C冷却し、エネルギーコストを削減する方法が提案された。砂漠気候において、高反射の建材、灌漑された緑地、エネルギー改修策を組み合わせた多面的な戦略が有効で、都市の温度低下と冷却エネルギー削減が可能とされる。


都市規模での熱緩和技術のエネルギー影響を定量化する Quantifying the energy impact of heat mitigation technologies at the urban scale

Shamila Haddad,Wanni Zhang,Riccardo Paolini,Kai Gao,Muzahim Altheeb,Abdulrahman Al Mogirah,Abdullatif Bin Moammar,Tianzhen Hong,Ansar Khan,Constantinos Cartalis,Anastasios Polydoros & Mattheos Santamouris
Nature Cities  Published:11 January 2024

反射材と灌漑樹木:世界で最も暑い都市のひとつを4.5℃冷やす方法を示す研究結果(Reflective materials and irrigated trees: study shows how to cool one of the world’s hottest cities by 4.5°C)


Advanced urban heat mitigation technologies that involve the use of super-cool materials combined with properly designed green infrastructure lower urban ambient and land surface temperatures and reduce cooling consumption at the city scale. Here we present the results of a large-scale heat mitigation project in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Daytime radiative coolers, as well as cool materials combined with irrigated or non-irrigated greenery, were used to design eight holistic heat mitigation scenarios. We assess the climatic impact of the scenarios as well as the corresponding energy benefits of 3,323 urban buildings. An impressive decrease of the peak ambient temperature of up to 4.5 °C is calculated, the highest reported urban ambient temperature reduction, and the annual sum of the differences in the ambient temperature against a standard temperature base (cooling degree hours) in the city decreases by up to 26%. We find that innovative urban heat mitigation strategies contribute to the remarkable cooling energy conservation by up to 16%, and the combined implementation of heat mitigation and energy adaptation technologies decreases the cooling demand by up to 35%.
