原子ハイウェイで、研究者は原子が車線を維持するのを助ける(On the Atomic Highway, Researchers Help Atoms Stay in Their Lane)


2023-11-04 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)



ナノファイバーベースの光双極子トラップにおけるアルカリ土類原子の状態非感受性トラッピング State-Insensitive Trapping of Alkaline-Earth Atoms in a Nanofiber-Based Optical Dipole Trap

G. Kestler, K. Ton, D. Filin, C. Cheung, P. Schneeweiss, T. Hoinkes, J. Volz, M.S. Safronova, A. Rauschenbeutel, and J.T. Barreiro
PRX Quantum  Published 12 October 2023

原子ハイウェイで、研究者は原子が車線を維持するのを助ける(On the Atomic Highway, Researchers Help Atoms Stay in Their Lane)


Neutral atoms that are optically trapped using the evanescent fields surrounding optical nanofibers are a promising platform for developing quantum technologies and exploring fundamental science, such as quantum networks and many-body physics of interacting photons. Building on the successful advancements with trapped alkali atoms, here we trap strontium-88 atoms, an alkaline-earth element, in a state-insensitive, nanofiber-based optical dipole trap using the evanescent fields of an optical nanofiber. Employing a two-color, double magic-wavelength trapping scheme, we realize state-insensitive trapping of the atoms for the kilohertz-wide 5s21S0−5s5p3P1,|m|=1 intercombination transition, which we verify by performing high-resolution spectroscopy for an atom-surface distance of about 300 nm. This allows us to experimentally find and verify the state insensitivity of the trap nearby a theoretically predicted magic wavelength of 435.827(25) nm, a necessary step to confirm precision atomic physics calculations. Alkaline-earth atoms also exhibit nonmagnetic ground states and ultranarrow linewidth transitions making them ideal candidates for atomic clocks and precision metrology applications, especially with state-insensitive traps. Additionally, given the low collisional scattering length specific to strontium-88, this work also lays the foundation for developing versatile and robust matter-wave atomtronic circuits over nanophotonic waveguides.
