電池を長持ちさせる秘密は石鹸の仕組みにあるかもしれない(The secret to longer lasting batteries might be in how soap works, new study says)


2023-11-08 ブラウン大学

◆米国ブラウン大学とアイダホ国立研究所のエンジニアを含む研究チームは、リチウム金属電池の寿命を延ばすためには、洗浄方法に秘密があると考えている。例えば、手洗いをすると、石鹸が水と汚れを包み込む構造体であるミセルを形成し、汚れを取り除く。同様のプロセスが、新しい電解質である局所高濃度電解質にも存在することが、Nature Materialsに掲載された新しい研究で明らかになった。


局在化した高濃度電解質がミセル様構造によってさらに局在化する。 Localized high-concentration electrolytes get more localized through micelle-like structures

Corey M. Efaw,Qisheng Wu,Ningshengjie Gao,Yugang Zhang,Haoyu Zhu,Kevin Gering,Michael F. Hurley,Hui Xiong,Enyuan Hu,Xia Cao,Wu Xu,Ji-Guang Zhang,Eric J. Dufek,Jie Xiao,Xiao-Qing Yang,Jun Liu,Yue Qi & Bin Li
Nature Materials  Published06 November 2023

電池を長持ちさせる秘密は石鹸の仕組みにあるかもしれない(The secret to longer lasting batteries might be in how soap works, new study says)


Liquid electrolytes in batteries are typically treated as macroscopically homogeneous ionic transport media despite having a complex chemical composition and atomistic solvation structures, leaving a knowledge gap of the microstructural characteristics. Here, we reveal a unique micelle-like structure in a localized high-concentration electrolyte, in which the solvent acts as a surfactant between an insoluble salt in a diluent. The miscibility of the solvent with the diluent and simultaneous solubility of the salt results in a micelle-like structure with a smeared interface and an increased salt concentration at the centre of the salt–solvent clusters that extends the salt solubility. These intermingling miscibility effects have temperature dependencies, wherein a typical localized high-concentration electrolyte peaks in localized cluster salt concentration near room temperature and is used to form a stable solid–electrolyte interphase on a Li metal anode. These findings serve as a guide to predicting a stable ternary phase diagram and connecting the electrolyte microstructure with electrolyte formulation and formation protocols of solid–electrolyte interphases for enhanced battery cyclability.
