過去への窓:新たな微化石が示唆する複雑な生命の初期発生(Window to the past: New microfossils suggest earlier rise in complex life)


2023-11-07 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)



古生代初期に複雑な細胞組織が出現したことを、特徴的な微化石が裏付ける Distinctive microfossil supports early Paleoproterozoic rise in complex cellular organisation

Erica V. Barlow, Christopher H. House, Ming-Chang Liu, Maxwell T. Wetherington, Martin J. Van Kranendonk
Geobiology  Published: 06 October 2023

過去への窓:新たな微化石が示唆する複雑な生命の初期発生(Window to the past: New microfossils suggest earlier rise in complex life)


The great oxidation event (GOE), ~2.4 billion years ago, caused fundamental changes to the chemistry of Earth’s surface environments. However, the effect of these changes on the biosphere is unknown, due to a worldwide lack of well-preserved fossils from this time. Here, we investigate exceptionally preserved, large spherical aggregate (SA) microfossils permineralised in chert from the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group in Western Australia. Field and petrographic observations, Raman spectroscopic mapping, and in situ carbon isotopic analyses uncover insights into the morphology, habitat, reproduction and metabolism of this unusual form, whose distinctive, SA morphology has no known counterpart in the fossil record. Comparative analysis with microfossils from before the GOE reveals the large SA microfossils represent a step-up in cellular organisation. Morphological comparison to extant micro-organisms indicates the SAs have more in common with coenobial algae than coccoidal bacteria, emphasising the complexity of this microfossil form. The remarkable preservation here provides a unique window into the biosphere, revealing an increase in the complexity of life coinciding with the GOE.
