貴重なアイソトープを分離する、スケーラブルで、より安全で、より安価な方法(A Scalable, Safer, and Potentially Cheaper Way to Isolate Valuable Isotopes)


2023-07-13 コロンビア大学

◆コロンビア大学エンジニアリング学部のYuan Yang准教授とLamont-Doherty Earth Observatoryの共同研究者による最新の研究は、同位体の分離技術を示しています。通常の酸素原子に加えて、陽電子放射断層撮影(PET)スキャンに必要な少数の酸素原子(10個の中性子を持つ)を分離する方法が開発されました。


安全でスケーラブルかつ効率的な同位体分離のための液体溶液遠心分離 Liquid solution centrifugation for safe, scalable, and efficient isotope separation

Joseph F. Wild,Heng Chen,Keyue Liang,Jiayu Liu,Stephen E. Cox,Alex N. Halliday, and Yuan Yang
Science Advances  Published:12 Jul 2023

貴重なアイソトープを分離する、スケーラブルで、より安全で、より安価な方法(A Scalable, Safer, and Potentially Cheaper Way to Isolate Valuable Isotopes)


A general method of separating isotopes by centrifuging dissolved chemical compounds in a liquid is introduced. This technique can be applied to almost all elements and leads to large separation factors. The method has been demonstrated in several isotopic systems including Ca, Mo, O, and Li with single-stage selectivities of 1.046 to 1.067 per neutron mass difference (e.g., 1.43 in 40Ca/48Ca), which are beyond the capabilities of various conventional methods. Equations are derived to model the process, and the results agree with those of the experiments. The scalability of the technique has been demonstrated by a three-stage enrichment of 48Ca with a total 40Ca/48Ca selectivity of 2.43, and the scalability is more broadly supported through analogies to gas centrifuge, whereby countercurrent centrifugation can further multiply the separation factor by 5 to 10 times per stage in a continuous process. Optimal centrifuge conditions and solutions can achieve both high-throughput and highly efficient isotope separation.
