カリフォルニアの研究者がORNLのスーパーコンピューター「サミット」を使って宇宙の謎「暗黒物質」を解明(California researchers use ORNL supercomputer Summit to investigate a mystery of the cosmos: dark matter)


2023-07-05 オークリッジ国立研究所(ORNL)

◆カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校の研究チームは、宇宙のダークマターに関するプロパティを調べるために、Oak Ridge Leadership Computing FacilityのSummitスーパーコンピュータを使用しました。彼らは最も包括的な宇宙論モデルの1つを実行し、ダークマターの性質を探求しました。


ライマンαフォレストのパワースペクトルから、暖かい暗黒物質に対する新たな制約を発見 New constraints on warm dark matter from the Lyman-α forest power spectrum

Bruno Villasenor, Brant Robertson, Piero Madau, and Evan Schneider
Physics Review D  Published 5 July 2023

カリフォルニアの研究者がORNLのスーパーコンピューター「サミット」を使って宇宙の謎「暗黒物質」を解明(California researchers use ORNL supercomputer Summit to investigate a mystery of the cosmos: dark matter)


The forest of Lyman-α absorption lines detected in the spectra of distant quasars encodes information on the nature and properties of dark matter and the thermodynamics of diffuse baryonic material. Its main observable—the 1D flux power spectrum (FPS)—should exhibit a suppression on small scales and an enhancement on large scales in warm dark matter (WDM) cosmologies compared to standard ΛCDM. Here, we present an unprecedented suite of 1080 high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations run with the graphics processing unit-accelerated code cholla to study the evolution of the Lyman-α forest under a wide range of physically motivated gas thermal histories along with different free-streaming lengths of WDM thermal relics in the early Universe. A statistical comparison of synthetic data with the forest FPS measured down to the smallest velocity scales ever probed at redshifts 4.0≲z≲5.2 [E. Boera et al., Revealing reionization with the thermal history of the intergalactic medium: New constraints from the Lyα flux power spectrum, Astrophys. J. 872, 101 (2019)] yields a lower-limit mWDM>3.1  keV (95% C.L.) for the WDM particle mass and constrains the amplitude and spectrum of the photoheating and photoionizing background produced by star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei at these redshifts. Interestingly, our Bayesian inference analysis appears to weakly favor WDM models with a peak likelihood value at the thermal relic mass of mWDM=4.5  keV. We find that the suppression of the FPS from free-streaming saturates at k≳0.1  s km−1 because of peculiar velocity smearing, and this saturated suppression combined with a slightly lower gas temperature provides a moderately better fit to the observed small-scale FPS for WDM cosmologies.
