量子シミュレーション:キラルスピン液体と非アーベルアニオン(Quantum simulation: chiral spin liquids and non-Abelian anyons)


2023-05-23 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)

◆キラルスピン液体は物質の中でも最も魅力的な相の一つで、ボゾンでもフェルミオンでもない非アーベルアニオンと呼ばれる準粒子励起を示し、その操作によって普遍的な量子コンピュータの実現が可能性がある。物性物理学の研究では、自然界でこのような相を発見することは未解決の課題です。PRX Quantumに掲載された新しい研究は、この相を量子シミュレータで実験的に研究する手法を提案いる。


周期的に駆動する超低温原子を用いた非アーベリアンカイラルスピン液体を工学的に研究する Engineering and Probing Non-Abelian Chiral Spin Liquids Using Periodically Driven Ultracold Atoms

Bo-Ye Sun, Nathan Goldman, Monika Aidelsburger, and Marin Bukov
PRX Quantum  Published 19 May 2023

量子シミュレーション:キラルスピン液体と非アーベルアニオン(Quantum simulation: chiral spin liquids and non-Abelian anyons)


We propose a scheme to implement Kitaev’s honeycomb model with cold atoms, based on a periodic (Floquet) drive, in view of realizing and probing non-Abelian chiral spin liquids using quantum simulators. We derive the effective Hamiltonian to leading order in the inverse-frequency expansion, and show that the drive opens up a topological gap in the spectrum without mixing the effective Majorana and vortex degrees of freedom. We address the challenge of probing the physics of Majorana fermions, while having access only to the original composite spin degrees of freedom. Specifically, we propose to detect the properties of the chiral spin liquid phase using gap spectroscopy and edge quenches in the presence of the Floquet drive. The resulting chiral edge signal, which relates to the thermal Hall effect associated with neutral Majorana currents, is found to be robust for realistically prepared states. By combining strong interactions with Floquet engineering, our work paves the way for future studies of non-Abelian excitations and quantized thermal transport using quantum simulators.
