将来のデバイスは、半導体の発熱を克服する必要がある Future devices need to overcome the heat generated in semiconductors
2023-05-09 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)
- https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2023/05/09/breaking-heat-barrier-computer-innovation
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41563-023-01492-6
コヒーレント反強磁性スピントロニクス Coherent antiferromagnetic spintronics
Jiahao Han,Ran Cheng,Luqiao Liu,Hideo Ohno & Shunsuke Fukami
Nature Materials Published:20 March 2023
Antiferromagnets have attracted extensive interest as a material platform in spintronics. So far, antiferromagnet-enabled spin–orbitronics, spin-transfer electronics and spin caloritronics have formed the bases of antiferromagnetic spintronics. Spin transport and manipulation based on coherent antiferromagnetic dynamics have recently emerged, pushing the developing field of antiferromagnetic spintronics towards a new stage distinguished by the features of spin coherence. In this Review, we categorize and analyse the critical effects that harness the coherence of antiferromagnets for spintronic applications, including spin pumping from monochromatic antiferromagnetic magnons, spin transmission via phase-correlated antiferromagnetic magnons, electrically induced spin rotation and ultrafast spin–orbit effects in antiferromagnets. We also discuss future opportunities in research and applications stimulated by the principles, materials and phenomena of coherent antiferromagnetic spintronics.