風上に向かって叫ぶのは意外と難しくない(It’s not as difficult as you think to shout upwind)


2023-04-21 フィンランド・アールト大学

アールト大学の音響学教授、Ville Pulkki氏は、何年もの間、風上に向かって叫ぶのがなぜ難しいかについて科学的な説明がないか悩んでいました。しかし、彼の研究チームが新しい研究を発表し、共通感覚の誤解を説明しました。風上に向かって叫ぶのは難しくない、ただ自分の声が聞こえにくいだけだということです。


風上に向かって叫ぶのが難しいという認識は、空気の流れによる効果によって説明される誤解である Perceived difficulty of upwind shouting is a misconception explained by convective attenuation effect

Ville Pulkki,Rapolas Daugintis,Timo Lähivaara &Aleksi Öyry
Scientific Reports  Published:31 March 2023

風上に向かって叫ぶのは意外と難しくない(It’s not as difficult as you think to shout upwind)


It is a common thought that in windy conditions the voice of a shouter emanates towards the upwind with lower strength than towards the downwind. Contradicting with this, acoustics literature states that a source emanates with a higher amplitude against the upwind direction in comparison with the downwind direction, which is known as the convective amplification or attenuation effect. This article shows that the discrepancy arises because shouters receive their own voice at their ear canals worse when facing against the upwind direction than in the corresponding down-wind case. When shouting upwind, the ears are situated downwind from the mouth, and the strength of one’s own voice decreases in the ears due to the convective attenuation effect depending on frequency, making the shouter believe that it is more difficult to shout against the wind. This is shown by computational simulations and real measurements using models of a human shouter with simplified geometries.
