新しい量子センシング技術により、磁気のつながりを明らかに(New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections)


計算機と信号処理の融合によるイノベーション Innovation combines computational and signal processing

2023-02-16 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

Using specially designed diamonds with nitrogen vacancy centers, researchers have developed a technique to measure magnetic fields at the atomic scale. In this image, a diamond with near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers is illuminated by green laser light from a microscope objective lens.
Using specially designed diamonds with nitrogen vacancy centers, researchers have developed a technique to measure magnetic fields at the atomic scale. In this image, a diamond with near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers is illuminated by green laser light from a microscope objective lens. (Image by David Kelly Crow/Princeton University).



ダイヤモンド量子センサーを用いたナノスケール共分散型磁気測定法 Nanoscale covariance magnetometry with diamond quantum sensors

Jared Rovny ,Zhiyang Yuan,Mattias Fitzpatrick,Ahmed I. Abdalla,Laura Futamura,Carter Fox,Matthew Carl Cambria,Shimon Kolkowitz ,Nathalie P. de Leon
Science  Published:22 Dec 2022

Covariance magnetometry

Color defect centers in diamond, such as the nitrogen vacancy center effect, behave as miniature compass needles. Their optical signature is sensitive to local magnetic fields with nanoscale resolution. To date, these sensing modalities have been largely limited to detecting static magnetic fields or sensing an ensemble average, providing access to dynamical behavior only indirectly. Rovny et al. developed a theoretical framework and demonstrate a new sensing modality for detecting spatiotemporal correlations from simultaneous measurements of two nitrogen vacancy defect centers in diamond. Covariance measurements open a window for sensing spatiotemporal dynamics through nanoscale magnetometry. —ISO


Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are atom-scale defects that can be used to sense magnetic fields with high sensitivity and spatial resolution. Typically, the magnetic field is measured by averaging sequential measurements of single NV centers, or by spatial averaging over ensembles of many NV centers, which provides mean values that contain no nonlocal information about the relationship between two points separated in space or time. Here, we propose and implement a sensing modality whereby two or more NV centers are measured simultaneously, and we extract temporal and spatial correlations in their signals that would otherwise be inaccessible. We demonstrate measurements of correlated applied noise using spin-to-charge readout of two NV centers and implement a spectral reconstruction protocol for disentangling local and nonlocal noise sources.

