摩擦の急激な変化で超音波触覚の錯覚を起こす(Rapid change of friction causes tactile ultrasound illusion)


2023-02-14 オランダ・デルフト工科大学(TUDelft)

◆認知ロボット工学科のミハエル・ヴィートレフスキー助教授らは、摩擦を素早く変化させることができるガラス板を作りました。これは、超音波を放出して板を振動させるアクチュエーターによって実現されています。彼らの研究は、「Royal Society Interface journal」に掲載されています。


摩擦の急激な変化により、後退する表面に触れているような錯覚を起こす Rapid change of friction causes the illusion of touching a receding surface

Jocelyn Monnoyer,Laurence Willemet and Michaël Wiertlewski
Royal Society Interface journal  Published:08 February 2023


Shortly after touching an object, humans can tactually gauge the frictional resistance of a surface. The knowledge of surface friction is paramount to tactile perception and the motor control of grasp. While potent correlations between friction and participants’ perceptual response have been found, the causal link between the friction of the surface, its evolution and its perceptual experience has yet to be demonstrated. Here, we leverage new experimental apparatus able to modify friction in real time, to show that participants can perceive sudden changes in friction when they are pressing on a surface. Surprisingly, only a reduction of the friction coefficient leads to a robust perception. High-speed imaging data indicate that the sensation is caused by a release of a latent elastic strain over a 20 ms timeframe after the activation of the friction-reduction device. This rapid change of frictional properties during initial contact is interpreted as a normal displacement of the surface, which paves the way for haptic surfaces that can produce illusions of interacting with mechanical buttons.
