エアフライヤーが最も汚染の少ない調理法であることが確認される(Air fryers confirmed as least polluting cooking method)


2024-11-26 バーミンガム大学

バーミンガム大学の研究により、エアフライヤーが他の調理方法と比較して、室内空気汚染を最小限に抑えることが確認されました。研究チームは、鶏胸肉を用いて、エアフライ、フライパン調理、炒め物、揚げ物、茹でるなどの方法で調理し、微粒子と揮発性有機化合物(VOCs)の排出量を測定しました。その結果、エアフライヤーは最も低い汚染レベルを示し、特に微粒子のピーク濃度は0.6 µg/m³、VOCsは20 ppbと、他の方法に比べて顕著に低い値を記録しました。研究者は、調理中および調理後も換気を続けることで、室内の汚染物質の蓄積を防ぎ、健康リスクを軽減できると指摘しています。


調理法が室内空気の質に与える影響: 粒子状物質(PM)と揮発性有機化合物(VOC)の排出に関する比較研究 Impact of Cooking Methods on Indoor Air Quality: A Comparative Study of Particulate Matter (PM) and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions

Ruijie Tang, Ravi Sahu, Yizhou Su, Adam Milsom, Ashmi Mishra, Thomas Berkemeier, Christian Pfrang
Indoor Air  Published: 25 November 2024

エアフライヤーが最も汚染の少ない調理法であることが確認される(Air fryers confirmed as least polluting cooking method)


Cooking activities are responsible for substantial emissions of both particulate matter (PM) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), two key indoor air pollutants, which can lead to numerous adverse health effects, including premature mortality. Chicken breast was prepared following tightly constrained cooking procedures with contrasting cooking methods in a well-controlled research kitchen to investigate the PM and VOC emissions by simultaneous measurements with reference instruments (an optical aerosol spectrometer measuring light scattering of single particles for continuous PM monitoring and a proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer [PTR-ToF-MS] for VOCs). Peak concentrations of PM2.5 ranked in the order (median [μg m−3]) pan-frying (92.9), stir-frying (26.7), deep-frying (7.7), boiling (0.7), and air-frying (0.6). Peak concentrations of VOCs ranked in the order (median [ppb]) pan-frying (260), deep-frying (230), stir-frying (110), boiling (30), and air-frying (20). Key VOCs from different frying methods were identified in a detailed principal component analysis (PCA), including aldehydes, ketones, furans, aromatic hydrocarbons, alkenes, pyrazines, and alkanes. The cooking temperature was found to be the key factor that positively correlated with both PM and VOC emission strength, while the oil weight was negatively correlated with the PM levels. We also determined PM emission rates (varying over a wide range, e.g., for PM2.5 from 0.1 to 2931 μg min−1) and PM exposures (ranging, e.g., for PM2.5 from approximately 2 to more than 1000 μg m−3 min). In addition, by using EPR spectroscopy, we measured environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) that formed from heating and cooking processes at levels of approximately 109 spins μg−1 of PM mass. These EPFR concentrations were shown to be unaffected by ozone exposure.
