食物の香りに関する研究が、宇宙での食事が不味い理由の説明に役立つかもしれない(Food aroma study may help explain why meals taste bad in space)


2024-07-16 ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学(RMIT)



仮想宇宙船で匂いを感じる?官能データ収集への地上からのアプローチ Smell perception in virtual spacecraft? A ground-based approach to sensory data collection

Grace Loke, Hirdesh Chand, Jayani Chandrapala, Ian Peake, Anne Besnard Chabot, Kevin Kantono, Gail Iles, Charles Brennan, Lisa Newman, Julia Low
International Journal of Food Science & Technology  Published: 16 July 2024

食物の香りに関する研究が、宇宙での食事が不味い理由の説明に役立つかもしれない(Food aroma study may help explain why meals taste bad in space)


The study explored context-driven food odour perception with links to chemical profiling of flavour compounds. Participants rated the intensity of three food odours (vanilla, almond, lemon) in a Neutral context and VR simulation of the International Space Station. The study involved 54 adults aged 18–39 years with no history of motion sickness and/or vertigo. The VR context demonstrated significantly higher intensity ratings for vanilla (P = 0.009) and almond (P < 0.001) odours, compared to the Neutral context. Clustering based on perceived intensity identified that those less sensitive to the odours perceived significantly stronger almond odour in VR (P = 0.011). Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis linked these findings to benzaldehyde, a common compound in both vanilla and almond odours. Therefore, a VR space context may impact odour perception, subject to their volatile composition and individual sensitivity. This underscores VR’s potential as a ground-based analogue for future sensory research, translating across similar settings beyond the space context.
