灼熱の嵐、遠い星で発生か?(Scorching storms on distant worlds revealed)


2024-07-15  エディンバラ大学

国際的な研究により、950°Cの高温で砂嵐に覆われた天体の極端な大気条件が明らかになりました。NASAのジェームズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡を使用し、研究者は惑星より大きく星より小さい褐色矮星の天気を観測しました。最も明るく地球から約6光年離れたWISE 1049ABの大気を追跡し、光の波長を測定して、雲の移動による明るさの変化を3Dで可視化しました。また、水、メタン、一酸化炭素などのガスの存在を示す光の変動も描き出しました。この研究は褐色矮星が星と惑星の間の存在である可能性を示し、宇宙の初期、星の形成、太陽系外惑星の研究に新たな道を開きました。褐色矮星の大気をより詳細に理解するための基礎を築いたこの研究は、エディンバラ大学を中心に世界中の研究機関と協力して行われました。


褐色矮星に最も近いJWSTの天気予報I:ベンチマーク連星褐色矮星WISE 1049ABの多周期JWST NIRSpec + MIRI観測 The JWST weather report from the nearest brown dwarfs I: multiperiod JWST NIRSpec + MIRI monitoring of the benchmark binary brown dwarf WISE 1049AB

Beth A Biller, Johanna M Vos, Yifan Zhou, Allison M McCarthy, Xianyu Tan, Ian J M Crossfield, Niall Whiteford, Genaro Suarez, Jacqueline Faherty, Elena Manjavacas …
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  Published:15 July 2024

灼熱の嵐、遠い星で発生か?(Scorching storms on distant worlds revealed)


We report results from 8 h of JWST/MIRI low resolution spectroscopic (LRS) monitoring directly followed by 7 h of JWST/NIRSpec prism spectroscopic monitoring of the benchmark binary brown dwarf WISE 1049AB, the closest, brightest brown dwarfs known. We find water, methane, and CO absorption features in both components, including the 3.3 μm methane absorption feature and a tentative detection of small grain (< 1μm) silicate absorption at >8.5 μm in WISE 1049A. Both components vary significantly (⁠>1 per cent⁠), with WISE 1049B displaying larger variations than WISE 1049A. Using K-means clustering, we find three main transition points in wavelength for both components of the binary: (1) change in behaviour at ∼2.3 μm coincident with a CO absorption bandhead, (2) change in behaviour at 4.2 μm, close to the CO fundamental band at > 4.4 µm, and (3) change in behaviour at 8.3–8.5 µm, potentially corresponding to silicate absorption. We interpret the light curves observed with both NIRSpec and MIRI as likely stemming from (1) a deep pressure level driving the double-peaked variability seen in WISE 1049B at wavelengths <2.3 and >8.5 µm, (2) an intermediate pressure level shaping the light-curve morphology between 2.3 and 4.2 µm, and (3) a higher altitude pressure level producing single-peaked and plateaued light-curve behaviour between 4.2 and 8.5 µm.
