前例のない分離につながる膜の新しい挙動を発見(Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations)


2024-06-20 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)



ナノスケール溶質分離におけるサイズ選択性の限界に挑む Pushing the limits of size selectivity in nanoscale solute separations

Feng Gao,Wen Chen,Jamila G. Eatman,Ruben Z. Waldman,Nestor J. Zaluzec,Ruilin Dong,Paul F. Nealey & Seth B. Darling
Nature Water  Published:20 June 2024

前例のない分離につながる膜の新しい挙動を発見(Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations)


Transport of a spherical solute through a cylindrical pore has been modelled for decades using well-established hindered transport theory, predicting solutes with a size smaller than the pore to be rejected nonetheless because of convective and diffusive hindrance; this rejection mechanism prevents extremely sharp solute separations by a membrane. Whereas the model has been historically verified, solute transport through near-perfect isoporous membranes may finally overcome this limitation. Here encouraging solute rejections are achieved using nanofabricated, defect-free silicon nitride isoporous membranes. The membrane is challenged by a recirculated feed to increase the opportunity for interactions between solutes and the pore array. Results show the membrane completely reject solutes with greater size than the pore size while effectively allowing smaller solutes to permeate through. With effectively increasing the number of interactions, we propose that a steeper size-selective rejection curve may be achieved. With this traditional hurdle overcome, there is new promise for unprecedented membrane separations through judicious process design and extremely tight pore-size distributions.
