スピンアップ制御:プロペラの形状がナノ粒子の制御に役立つと研究者らが発表(Spinning up control: Propeller shape helps direct nanoparticles, researchers say)


2023-12-07 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

◆国際研究チームが、自走型ナノ粒子の制御方法を開発。ペンシルベニア州立大学のIgor Aronson教授率いるチームは、ナノプロペラにデザイン変更し、化学反応や磁場でトリガーされることで効果的に動き、方向性を制御。ナノ粒子の動きを予測可能にし、高度な機能性を向上させた。


多機能キラル化学動力マイクロプロペラによる荷物の輸送と操作 Multifunctional Chiral Chemically-Powered Micropropellers for Cargo Transport and Manipulation

Ashlee D. McGovern, Mu-Jie Huang, Jiyuan Wang, Raymond Kapral, Igor S. Aranson
Small  Published: 07 November 2023

スピンアップ制御:プロペラの形状がナノ粒子の制御に役立つと研究者らが発表(Spinning up control: Propeller shape helps direct nanoparticles, researchers say)


Practical applications of synthetic self-propelled nano and microparticles for microrobotics, targeted drug delivery, and manipulation at the nanoscale are rapidly expanding. However, fabrication limitations often hinder progress, resulting in relatively simple shapes and limited functionality. Here, taking advantage of 3D nanoscale printing, chiral micropropellers powered by the hydrogen peroxide reduction reaction are fabricated. Due to their chirality, the propellers exhibit multifunctional behavior controlled by an applied magnetic field: spinning in place (loitering), directed migration in the prescribed direction, capture, and transport of polymer cargo particles. Design parameters of the propellers are optimized by computation modeling based on mesoscale molecular dynamics. It is predicted by computer simulations, and confirmed experimentally, that clockwise rotating propellers attract each other and counterclockwise repel. These results shed light on how chirality and shape optimization enhance the functionality of synthetic autonomous micromachines.
