AIが海のプラスチック探知に貢献(AI helps detecting plastic in oceans)


2023-11-22 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



センチネル2号による沿岸域の海洋ゴミの大規模検出 Large-scale detection of marine debris in coastal areas with Sentinel-2

Marc Rußwurm, Sushen Jilla Venkatesa, Devis Tuia
iScience  Published: November 8, 2023


•A deep marine debris detector for Sentinel-2 images following data-centric AI principles
•Trained on a quantity-focused training set and quality-focused evaluation data
•Achieves state-of-the-art accuracy thanks to semi-automated data curation strategies
•Combinable with daily PlanetScope images to augment weekly Sentinel-2 observations


Detecting and quantifying marine pollution and macroplastics is an increasingly pressing ecological issue that directly impacts ecology and human health. Here, remote sensing can provide reliable estimates of plastic pollution by regularly monitoring and detecting marine debris in coastal areas. In this work, we present a detector for marine debris built on a deep segmentation model that outputs a probability for marine debris at the pixel level. We train this detector with a combination of annotated datasets of marine debris and evaluate it on specifically selected test sites where it is highly probable that plastic pollution is present in the detected marine debris. We integrate data-centric artificial intelligence principles by devising a training strategy with extensive sampling of negative examples and an automated label refinement of coarse hand labels. This yields a deep learning model that achieves higher accuracies on benchmark comparisons than existing detection models trained on previous datasets.

Graphical abstract

