スマートスポーツウェアで疲労を検知する(Detecting exhaustion with smart sportswear)


2023-03-24 スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ETHZurich)

スイスのETH Zurichの研究者たちは、運動中の疲労をリアルタイムで測定できるテキスタイルセンサーを開発した。
このセンサーは、繊維に直接統合され、着用者が疲労限界に達するときに休憩を取ることができるようにする。ETH Zurichは、特許を申請しており、これによって市場で使用可能なコスト効果の高いスマートウェアの製造が可能になる。


HACS:理論限界を超える感度を持つヘリカルオーセティックヤーン静電容量式歪みセンサー HACS: Helical Auxetic Yarn Capacitive Strain Sensors with Sensitivity Beyond the Theoretical Limit

Tyler J. Cuthbert, Brett C. Hannigan, Pierre Roberjot, Alexander V. Shokurov, Carlo Menon
Advanced Materials  Published: 12 December 2022

Details are in the caption following the image


The development of flexible strain sensors over the past decade has focused on accessing high strain percentages and high sensitivity (i.e., gauge factors). Strain sensors that employ capacitance as the electrical signal to correlate to strain are typically restricted in sensitivity because of the Poisson effect. By employing auxetic structures, the limits of sensitivity for capacitive sensors have been exceeded, which has improved the competitiveness of this modality of sensing. In this work, the first employment of helical auxetic yarns as capacitive sensors is presented. It is found that the response of the helical auxetic yarn capacitive sensors (termed as HACS) is dependent on the two main fabrication variables—the ratio of diameters and the helical wrapping length. Depending on these variables, sensors that respond to strain with increasing or decreasing capacitance values can be obtained. A greater auxetic character results in larger sensitivities accessible at smaller strains—a characteristic that is not commonly found when accessing high gauge factors. In addition, the highest sensitivity for auxetic capacitive sensors reported thus far is obtained. A mechanism of sensor response that explains both the variable capacitance response and the high gauge factors obtained experimentally is proposed.

