遠方の惑星に「ターミネーター・ゾーン」が存在し、生命が存在する可能性があるとUCアーバインの天文学者が発表した。(‘Terminator zones’ on distant planets could harbor life, UC Irvine astronomers say)


これらの中間領域は、液体の水が存在する場所である可能性があります。 These in-between regions could be prime sites for liquid water

2023-03-16 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)



ターミネーター・ハビタビリティ:M矮星における水の利用可能性が限定的であることを示すケース Terminator Habitability: The Case for Limited Water Availability on M-dwarf Planets

Ana H. Lobo, Aomawa L. Shields, Igor Z. Palubski and Eric Wolf
The Astrophysical Journal  Published 2023 March 16
DOI :10.3847/1538-4357/aca970

遠方の惑星に「ターミネーター・ゾーン」が存在し、生命が存在する可能性があるとUCアーバインの天文学者が発表した。(‘Terminator zones’ on distant planets could harbor life, UC Irvine astronomers say)


Rocky planets orbiting M-dwarf stars are among the most promising and abundant astronomical targets for detecting habitable climates. Planets in the M-dwarf habitable zone are likely synchronously rotating, such that we expect significant day–night temperature differences and potentially limited fractional habitability. Previous studies have focused on scenarios where fractional habitability is confined to the substellar or “eye” region, but in this paper we explore the possibility of planets with terminator habitability, defined by the existence of a habitable band at the transition between a scorching dayside and a glacial nightside. Using a global climate model, we show that for water-limited planets it is possible to have scorching temperatures in the “eye” and freezing temperatures on the nightside, while maintaining a temperate climate in the terminator region, due to reduced atmospheric energy transport. On water-rich planets, however, increasing the stellar flux leads to increased atmospheric energy transport and a reduction in day–night temperature differences, such that the terminator does not remain habitable once the dayside temperatures approach runaway or moist greenhouse limits. We also show that while water-abundant simulations may result in larger fractional habitability, they are vulnerable to water loss through cold trapping on the nightside surface or atmospheric water vapor escape, suggesting that even if planets were formed with abundant water, their climates could become water-limited and subject to terminator habitability.
