カゴメの超伝導金属群がこれまでにない性質を示すことを発見(Researchers detail never-before-seen properties in a family of superconducting Kagome metals)


科学者たちは、最近発見された超伝導体群の微視的構造を初めて説明し、将来の超伝導技術の進歩に道を開く小さな一歩を踏み出しました。 Scientists describe the microscopic structure of a recently discovered group of superconductors for the first time, a small step toward paving the way for future advances in superconducting technology.

2023-02-10 ブラウン大学

◆研究者らは、この奇妙な物質状態の特性について、『Physical Review Research』誌に初めてと思われる記載を行った。


カゴメ超伝導体RbV3Sb5における電荷密度波の微視的性質 Microscopic nature of the charge-density wave in the kagome superconductor RbV3Sb5

Jonathan Frassineti, Pietro Bonfà, Giuseppe Allodi, Erick Garcia, Rong Cong, Brenden R. Ortiz, Stephen D. Wilson, Roberto De Renzi, Vesna F. Mitrović, and Samuele Sanna
Physical Review Research  Published 10 February 2023

Figure 1


The recently discovered vanadium-based Kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) undergo a unique phase transition into charge-density wave (CDW) order which precedes both unconventional superconductivity and time-reversal symmetry breaking. Therefore the essential first step in building a full understanding of the role of CDW in establishing these unconventional phases is to unveil the symmetries and the microscopic nature of the charge-ordered phase. Here, we determine the exact structure of the 2×2×2 superlattice that develops below the charge-density wave ordering temperature (TCDW) in RbV3Sb5. We present a comprehensive set of 51V, 87Rb, and 121Sb nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements and density functional theory simulations of NMR observables to provide a unique site-selective view into the local nature of the charge-ordered phase. The combination of these experimental results with simulations provides compelling evidence that the CDW structure prevailing below 103 K in RbV3Sb5 is the so-called inverse Star of David pattern, π-shifted along the c axis. These findings put severe constraints on the topology of these Kagome compounds and thus provide essential guidance for the development of an appropriate theoretical framework for predicting properties of exotic electronic orders arising within the CDW phase.

