火星で前例のない有機分子を発見(Organic molecules of unprecedented size discovered on Mars)


2025-03-25 フランス国立科学研究センター(CNRS)

火星で前例のない有機分子を発見(Organic molecules of unprecedented size discovered on Mars)

フランス国立科学研究センター(CNRS)の科学者らは、NASAのキュリオシティ・ローバーに搭載されたSAM(Sample Analysis at Mars)装置を用いて、火星のゲール・クレーターで炭素原子が最大12個連なる長鎖有機分子を検出しました。これらの分子は、地球上の生物活動で生成される脂肪酸に類似しており、約37億年前の粘土質サンプルから発見されました。この時期は、地球で生命が誕生したとされる時期と重なります。火星の地質活動の欠如と冷涼で乾燥した気候が、これらの有機物質を長期間保存する要因となったと考えられます。この発見は、火星における過去の生命存在の可能性を示唆し、今後の惑星探査ミッションに新たな方向性を提供します。


火星の泥岩に保存された長鎖アルカン Long-chain alkanes preserved in a Martian mudstone

Caroline Freissinet, Daniel P. Glavin, P. Douglas Archer Jr., +18 , and Paul R. Mahaffy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:March 24, 2025


Decane, undecane, and dodecane were detected in a Martian sample at the tens of pmol level and may originate from long-chain carboxylic acids. The detection of long-chain alkanes in the Sheepbed mudstone is important for extending studies of habitability on Mars as the Curiosity rover continues to map out windows of high preservation potential for chemically reduced organic compounds. The provenance and distribution of these molecules are of high interest in the search for potential biosignatures on Mars.


Organic molecules preserved in ancient Martian rocks provide a critical record of the past habitability of Mars and could be chemical biosignatures. Experiments conducted by the Sample Analysis at Mars instrument onboard the Curiosity rover have previously reported several classes of indigenous chlorinated and sulfur-containing organic compounds in Gale crater sedimentary rocks, with chemical structures of up to six carbons. Here, we report the detection of decane (C10H22), undecane (C11H24), and dodecane (C12H26) at the tens of pmol level, released from the Cumberland drilled mudstone sample, using a modified SAM analytical procedure optimized for the detection of larger organic molecules. Laboratory experiments support the hypothesis that the alkanes detected were originally preserved in the mudstone as long-chain carboxylic acids. The origin of these molecules remains uncertain, as they could be derived from either abiotic or biological sources.
