2025-03-20 フランス国立科学研究センター(CNRS)
- https://www.cnrs.fr/en/press/peatlands-potential-capture-carbon-upgraded-temperatures-rise
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-025-02271-8
微生物による光合成は温暖化下で北部の泥炭地からの炭素損失を緩和する Microbial photosynthesis mitigates carbon loss from northern peatlands under warming
Samuel Hamard,Sophie Planchenault,Romain Walcker,Anna Sytiuk,Marie Le Geay,Martin Küttim,Ellen Dorrepaal,Mariusz Lamentowicz,Owen L. Petchey,Bjorn J. M. Robroek,Eeva-Stiina Tuittila,Maialen Barret,Régis Céréghino,Frédéric Delarue,Jessica Ferriol,Tristan Lafont Rapnouil,Joséphine Leflaive,Gaël Le Roux & Vincent E. J. Jassey
Nature Climate change Published:20 March 2025
The future of the northern peatland carbon (C) sink is uncertain as the effects of warming on microbial metabolisms are unclear. While increased microbial CO2 emissions are expected under warming, the response of microbial photosynthesis remains unknown, complicating predictions of net microbial effects on peatland carbon emissions. Here, using a continental-scale experimental study, we show that warming amplifies microbial photosynthesis by 3.4 mgC m−2 h−1 per 1 °C increase. By 2100, this increase translates to a gain of 51.1 Tg of carbon per year from the northern peatland area under the pessimistic SSP 5-8.5 climatic change scenario, offsetting ~14% of projected heterotrophic CO2 emissions in northern peatlands. By linking field and microcosm experiments, we further show that enhanced microbial photosynthesis accelerates peatland CO2 uptake as photosynthetic microbial-C subsidies stimulate nutrient mineralization. These results underscore the importance of photosynthetic microbes for mitigating carbon emissions and supporting long-term carbon storage in peatlands.