高導電性の玄武岩繊維ベースカソードを太陽光電気凝集システム向けに開発 (Scientists Develop Highly Conductive Basalt Fabric-based Cathode for Solar-powered Electrocoagulation Systems)


2025-03-14 中国科学院(CAS)

中国科学院の新疆理工物理化学技術研究所(XTIPC)の研究チームは、産業の急速な発展に伴う油性廃水の処理という世界的な環境問題に対し、太陽光発電を利用した電気凝固(SPEC)システム向けの新しい陰極材料を開発しました。 この陰極材料は、玄武岩繊維(BF)に多層カーボンナノチューブ(CNT)と銀ナノワイヤー(AgNW)をコーティングすることで作製され、高い導電性(1.66 × 10⁴ S/m)と優れた機械的安定性、さらに大腸菌や黄色ブドウ球菌に対する抗菌性を示しました。このSPECシステムは、模擬油水エマルジョンに対して90.28%の化学的酸素要求量(COD)除去効率を達成し、エネルギー消費量は1.28 kWh·kg⁻¹ COD、電極消費量は0.35 kg·m⁻³と低く抑えられました。また、太陽エネルギーを活用することで、運用コストの削減も実現しています。これらの成果は、産業用途における廃水処理技術の進歩に寄与し、経済的かつ環境に優しいソリューションを提供する可能性があります。


新規CNT/銀ナノワイヤーコーティングを施した玄武岩布カソードを用いたソーラーパワー電気凝固プロセスによる効果的な油/水分離 基礎から応用まで A solar-powered electrocoagulation process with a novel CNT/silver nanowire coated basalt fabric cathode for effective oil/water separation: From fundamentals to application

Ghizlane Achagri, Rimeh Ismail, Abudukeremu Kadier, Peng-Cheng Ma
Journal of Environmental Management  Available online: 26 January 2025

Graphical abstract

高導電性の玄武岩繊維ベースカソードを太陽光電気凝集システム向けに開発 (Scientists Develop Highly Conductive Basalt Fabric-based Cathode for Solar-powered Electrocoagulation Systems)


  • A novel and highly conductive BF-CNT/AgNws fabric was successfully fabricated.
  • The BF-CNT/AgNws was employed as a cathode in SPEC process for oil/water separation.
  • COD removal of 90.2%, and energy consumption of 1.28 kWh/kgCOD were achieved.
  • Economic feasibility of SPEC process with BF-CNT/AgNws cathode was analyzed.
  • Mechanism and proposed pathway of COD removal in SPEC were deeply explained.


Electrocoagulation (EC) has proven its high efficiency and environmental sustainability for treating several types of wastewaters. However, the primary drawbacks of the conventional EC process are the suitable electrode materials and the relatively high cost due to the requirement for electric energy. To overcome these practical challenges, this study investigated effective oil/water separation by a solar-powered electrocoagulation (SPEC) process using a novel highly conductive basalt fabric (BF) cathode. The BF cathode was fabricated using a simple approach: dip-coating in carbon nanotubes (CNT) dispersion, followed by a bath exhaustion coating in a silver nanowires (AgNws) solution, and its successful preparation was confirmed through several advanced characterization techniques. The effect of the CNT-AgNws coating on the electrical conductivity of the BF-CNT/AgNws was investigated using the four-probe tester. The BF-CNT/AgNws cathode exhibited a high conductivity of 1.66 × 104 S/m, which indicates its applicability in the SPEC system. Under the operating conditions of applied voltage (25 V), SPEC time (30 min), stirring rate (150 rpm), and NaCl concentration (1 g/L), the experiment’s results showed a high COD removal of 90.2 ± 0.03 %, a low energy consumption of 1.28 ± 0.01 kWh/kgCOD, and electrode consumption of 0.35 ± 0.06 kg/m3. In addition, due to the use of solar-powered energy, the overall cost was reduced by eliminating the electricity fees. Moreover, the reusability test results proved that the BF cathode has potential reusability in successive SPEC experiments while maintaining its performance. In conclusion, the obtained findings are very encouraging in designing novel EC cathodes for effective oily wastewater treatment at an industrial scale.
