ポリマーのリサイクル性向上に機械学習を活用 (Improving Recyclability of Polymers: Machine Learning Helps Finding Needle in Haystack)


2025-03-17 オランダ・デルフト工科大学 (TUDelft)

オランダのデルフト工科大学(TU Delft)の研究者たちは、機械学習を活用して、リサイクル性の高いポリマーの特性を予測し、環境に優しい新素材の開発を加速する手法を開発しました。ポリマーは現代生活のあらゆる場面で使用されていますが、その多様性と複雑な構造により、リサイクル性の向上が課題となっています。従来の方法では、膨大な組み合わせの中から適切な特性を持つポリマーを見つけ出すのは困難でした。そこで、研究チームは機械学習を用いて、ポリマーの特性を迅速かつ正確に予測するモデルを構築しました。これにより、リサイクル性や耐久性などの特性を持つポリマーを効率的に特定し、持続可能な新素材の開発を加速することが可能となりました。


AIによるリサイクル可能なビトリマーポリマーの逆設計と発見 AI-Guided Inverse Design and Discovery of Recyclable Vitrimeric Polymers

Yiwen Zheng, Prakash Thakolkaran, Agni K. Biswal, Jake A. Smith, Ziheng Lu, Shuxin Zheng, Bichlien H. Nguyen, Siddhant Kumar, Aniruddh Vashisth
Advanced Science  Published: 16 December 2024

ポリマーのリサイクル性向上に機械学習を活用 (Improving Recyclability of Polymers: Machine Learning Helps Finding Needle in Haystack)


Vitrimer is a new, exciting class of sustainable polymers with healing abilities due to their dynamic covalent adaptive networks. However, a limited choice of constituent molecules restricts their property space and potential applications. To overcome this challenge, an innovative approach coupling molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and a novel graph variational autoencoder (VAE) model for inverse design of vitrimer chemistries with desired glass transition temperature (Tg) is presented. The first diverse vitrimer dataset of one million chemistries is curated and Tg for 8,424 of them is calculated by high-throughput MD simulations calibrated by a Gaussian process model. The proposed VAE employs dual graph encoders and a latent dimension overlapping scheme which allows for individual representation of multi-component vitrimers. High accuracy and efficiency of the framework are demonstrated by discovering novel vitrimers with desirable Tg beyond the training regime. To validate the effectiveness of the framework in experiments, vitrimer chemistries are generated with a target Tg = 323 K. By incorporating chemical intuition, a novel vitrimer with Tg of 311–317 K is synthesized, experimentally demonstrating healability and flowability. The proposed framework offers an exciting tool for polymer chemists to design and synthesize novel, sustainable polymers for various applications.
