科学者がスズベースの量子ビット信号を大幅に強化(Scientists give big boost to signals from tin-based qubits)


2025-01-22 アルゴンヌ国立研究所 (ANL)



ダイヤモンド中のスズ空孔キュービットのマイクロ波スピン制御 Microwave Spin Control of a Tin-Vacancy Qubit in Diamond

Eric I. Rosenthal, Christopher P. Anderson, Hannah C. Kleidermacher, Abigail J. Stein, Hope Lee, Jakob Grzesik, Giovanni Scuri, Alison E. Rugar, Daniel Riedel, et al.
Physical Review X  Published: 30 August, 2023

科学者がスズベースの量子ビット信号を大幅に強化(Scientists give big boost to signals from tin-based qubits)


The negatively charged tin-vacancy (SnV) center in diamond is a promising solid-state qubit for applications in quantum networking due to its high quantum efficiency, strong zero phonon emission, and reduced sensitivity to electrical noise. The SnV has a large spin-orbit coupling, which allows for long spin lifetimes at elevated temperatures, but unfortunately suppresses the magnetic dipole transitions desired for quantum control. Here, by use of a naturally strained center, we overcome this limitation and achieve high-fidelity microwave spin control. We demonstrate a -pulse fidelity of up to 99.51 ±0.03% and a Hahn-echo coherence time of echo2=170.0±2.8  μ⁢s, both the highest yet reported for SnV platform. This performance comes without compromise to optical stability, and is demonstrated at 1.7 K where ample cooling power is available to mitigate drive-induced heating. These results pave the way for SnV spins to be used as a building block for future quantum technologies.
