宇宙マップの可能性を最大限に引き出す研究(Getting the most out of cosmic maps)


2025-01-20 ミシガン大学

宇宙マップの可能性を最大限に引き出す研究(Getting the most out of cosmic maps)This is a two-dimensional slice of a 3D map of the universe generated by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument. In the inset, the web-like structure of galaxies is visible. New research from the University of Michigan and the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics shows a new method of analyzing such maps outperforms the standard methods. Image credit: Claire Lamman/DESI collaboration (Custom colormap package by cmastro)



銀河クラスタリングからどの程度の情報を抽出できるか? How Much Information Can Be Extracted from Galaxy Clustering at the Field Level?

Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Fabian Schmidt, Beatriz Tucc, Martin Reinecke, and Andrija Kostić
Physical Review Letters  Published 27 November, 2024


We present optimal Bayesian field-level cosmological constraints from nonlinear tracers of cosmic large-scale structure, specifically the amplitude 8 of linear matter fluctuations inferred from rest-frame simulated dark matter halos in a comoving volume of 8  (ℎ−1 Gpc)3. Our constraint on 8 is entirely due to nonlinear information, and obtained by explicitly sampling the initial conditions along with tracer bias and noise parameters via a Lagrangian effective field theory-based forward model, leftfield. The comparison with a simulation-based inference of the power spectrum and bispectrum—likewise using the leftfield forward model—shows that, when including precisely the same modes of the same data up to max=0.10  ℎ Mpc−1 (0.12  ℎ Mpc−1), the field-level approach yields a factor of 3.5 (5.2) improvement in the 8 constraint, going from 20.0% to 5.7% (17.0% to 3.3%). This study provides direct insights into cosmological information encoded in galaxy clustering beyond low-order -point functions.
