2025-01-06 カリフォルニア工科大学 (Caltech)
A hexamer of macroscopic mechanical oscillators for studying quantum collective phenomena. Credit: Mahdi Chegnizadeh (EPFL)
- https://actu.epfl.ch/news/macroscopic-oscillators-move-as-one-at-the-quant-2/
- https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adr8187
巨視的機械振動子の量子集団運動 Quantum collective motion of macroscopic mechanical oscillators
Mahdi Chegnizadeh, Marco Scigliuzzo, Amir Youssefi, Shingo Kono, […], and Tobias J. Kippenberg
Science Published:19 Dec 2024
Editor’s summary
Micro- and nanomechanical oscillators can now be manipulated in the quantum regime. They can be entangled with other degrees of freedom and used for quantum teleportation and quantum storage. To date, these systems have been limited to single or pairs of oscillators. Chegnizadeh et al. now demonstrate scale-up, preparing a collective macroscopic system composed of several individual mechanical oscillators in the quantum ground state. The authors observed collective optomechanical phenomena, and such behavior could find applications in advanced quantum metrology and in fundamental studies of macroscopic quantum phenomena. —Ian S. Osborne
Collective phenomena arise from interactions within complex systems, leading to behaviors absent in individual components. Observing quantum collective phenomena with macroscopic mechanical oscillators has been impeded by the stringent requirement that oscillators be identical. We demonstrate the quantum regime for collective motion of N = 6 mechanical oscillators, a hexamer, in a superconducting circuit optomechanical platform. By increasing the optomechanical couplings, the system transitions from individual to collective motion, characterized by a √N enhancement of cavity-collective mode coupling, akin to superradiance of atomic ensembles. Using sideband cooling, we prepare the collective mode in the quantum ground state and measure its quantum sideband asymmetry, with zero-point motion distributed across distant oscillators. This regime of optomechanics opens avenues for studying multipartite entanglement, with potential advances in quantum metrology.