樹齢100年のブドウの木が、ワインの産地を悩ます病気について明らかにするもの。(What a century-old grapevine reveals about a disease that plagues wine country)


2024-12-16 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB)

カリフォルニア大学バークレー校の研究者たちは、UCデービス植物多様性センターのハーバリウムに保存されていた120年前のブドウの標本から、ブドウの木に被害を与える細菌「Xylella fastidiosa」のDNAを検出しました。この細菌は、ブドウの木の水分や栄養分の輸送を妨げることで、葉の変色や果実の萎縮を引き起こし、最終的には植物を枯死させる「ピアス病」の原因として知られています。研究チームは、この古い細菌株のゲノムと330以上の現代の株のゲノムを比較することで、病原体がカリフォルニアに初めて到達し、州内に広がった経緯を解明しました。その結果、X. fastidiosaは1740年頃に中央アメリカから米国に持ち込まれ、カリフォルニアでは少なくとも3回の独立した侵入があったことが示唆されました。この研究は、植物病原体の世界的な拡散を理解する上で重要な知見を提供しています。


100年前の標本から、アメリカ大陸で発生したブドウの木のピアス病についての洞察が得られる Century-old herbarium specimen provides insights into Pierce’s disease of grapevines emergence in the Americas

Monica A. Donegan∙ Alexandra K. Kahn∙ Nathalie Becker∙ … ∙ Martial Briand ∙ Rodrigo P.P. Almeida∙ Adrien Rieux
Current Biology  Published:December 16, 2024

Graphical abstract

樹齢100年のブドウの木が、ワインの産地を悩ます病気について明らかにするもの。(What a century-old grapevine reveals about a disease that plagues wine country)


•The pathogen X. fastidiosa was recovered from a 1906 grapevine herbarium sample
•Deep sequencing enabled the de novo assembly of a high-quality aDNA pathogen genome
•The PD-causing pathogen was likely introduced multiple times into California
•Time calibration pushed back the date of introduction to the US to 1734–1741 CE


Fossils and other preserved specimens are integral for informing timing and evolutionary history in every biological system. By isolating a plant pathogen genome from herbarium-preserved diseased grapevine material from 1906 (Herb_1906), we were able to answer questions about an enigmatic system. The emergence of Pierce’s disease (PD) of grapevine has shaped viticultural production in North America; yet, there are uncertainties about the geographic origin of the pathogen (Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa, Xff) and the timing and route of its introduction. We produced a high-quality, de novo genome assembly of this historical plant pathogen and confirmed degradation patterns unique to ancient DNA. Due to the inclusion of the Herb_1906 sample, we were able to generate a significant temporal signal in the genomic data. This allowed us to build a time-calibrated phylogeny, where we estimate the introduction of Xff into the US between 1734 and 1741 CE, an earlier time frame than previously inferred. In a large collection of >300 Xff genomes, the Herb_1906 sample was genetically most similar to a small population from Northern California but not basal to the entire Xff California clade. Based on phylogenetic placement and a phylogeographic reconstruction, our data support a single introduction of Xff into the Southeastern US from Central America, with multiple subsequent introductions into California.
