タンポポ超新星が3Dで明らかに(Dandelion Supernova Revealed in 3-D)


2024-10-24 カリフォルニア工科大学(Caltech)

1181年に記録された超新星爆発の残骸であるPa 30星雲の3次元構造が、KCWI装置を用いて初めて明らかになりました。観測により、Pa 30のフィラメントが球状に約1000km/sの速度で放出され、爆発が1181年に起こったことが判明しました。このタイプの超新星は部分的に爆発した白色矮星で、周囲に「ゾンビ星」と呼ばれる残骸が残っています。フィラメントの形成メカニズムは未解明で、逆衝撃波が影響している可能性が考えられています。


若い超新星Iax型残骸Pa 30の膨張特性が明らかに Expansion Properties of the Young Supernova Type Iax Remnant Pa 30 Revealed

Tim Cunningham, Ilaria Caiazzo, Nikolaus Z. Prusinski, James Fuller, John C. Raymond, S. R. Kulkarni, James D. Neill, Paul Duffell, Chris Martin, Odette Toloza
The Astrophysical Journal Letters  Published: 2024 October 24

タンポポ超新星が3Dで明らかに(Dandelion Supernova Revealed in 3-D)


The recently discovered Pa 30 nebula, the putative type Iax supernova remnant associated with the historical supernova of 1181 AD, shows puzzling characteristics that make it unique among known supernova remnants. In particular, Pa 30 exhibits a complex morphology, with a unique radial and filamentary structure, and it hosts a hot stellar remnant at its center, which displays oxygen-dominated, ultrafast winds. Because of the surviving stellar remnant and the lack of hydrogen and helium in its filaments, it has been suggested that Pa 30 is the product of a failed thermonuclear explosion in a near- or super-Chandrasekhar white dwarf, which created a subluminous transient, a rare subtype of the Ia class of supernovae called type Iax. We present here a detailed study of the 3D structure and velocities of a full radial section of the remnant. The Integral Field Unit observations, obtained with the new red channel of the Keck Cosmic Web Imager spectrograph, reveal that the ejecta are consistent with being ballistic, with velocities close to the free-expansion velocity. Additionally, we detect a large cavity inside the supernova remnant and a sharp inner edge to the filamentary structure, which coincides with the outer edge of a bright ring detected in infrared images. Finally, we detect a strong asymmetry in the amount of ejecta along the line of sight, which might hint at an asymmetric explosion. Our analysis provides strong confirmation that the explosion originated from SN 1181.
