タコからヒントを得た技術の新しい研究が水中物体の操縦に成功(New research on octopus-inspired technology successfully maneuvers underwater objects)


2024-10-09 バージニア工科大学(VirginiaTech)

バージニア工科大学のMichael Bartlett率いる研究チームは、タコの吸盤に着想を得た新しい接着技術を開発し、難しい水中物体の操作が可能になりました。この技術では、弾性のある膜を用いて多様な表面に強力に接着し、瞬時に物体を掴んだり離したりできます。これにより、水中の重い岩や柔らかい物体を正確に操作でき、水中救助やサルベージ作業に有用です。この成果は、水中環境での探索や操作の可能性を広げるものです。


タコから着想を得た接着剤で、難易度の高い水中表面への接着を切り替え可能 Octopus-Inspired Adhesives with Switchable Attachment to Challenging Underwater Surfaces

Chanhong Lee, Austin C. Via, Aldo Heredia, Daniel A. Adjei, Michael D. Bartlett
Advanced Science  Published: 09 October 2024

タコからヒントを得た技術の新しい研究が水中物体の操縦に成功(New research on octopus-inspired technology successfully maneuvers underwater objects)


Adhesives that excel in wet or underwater environments are critical for applications ranging from healthcare and underwater robotics to infrastructure repair. However, achieving strong attachment and controlled release on difficult substrates, such as those that are curved, rough, or located in diverse fluid environments, remains a major challenge. Here, an octopus-inspired adhesive with strong attachment and rapid release in challenging underwater environments is presented. Inspired by the octopus’s infundibulum structure, a compliant, curved stalk, and an active deformable membrane for multi-surface adhesion are utilized. The stalk’s curved shape enhances conformal contact on large-scale curvatures and increases contact stress for adaptability to small-scale roughness. These synergistic mechanisms improve contact across multiple length scales, resulting in switching ratios of over 1000 within ≈30 ms with consistent attachment strength of over 60 kPa on diverse surfaces and conditions. These adhesives are demonstrated through the robust attachment and precise manipulation of rough underwater objects.

タコに着想を得た粘着スキンが、水中でのインテリジェントかつ迅速な接着切り替えを実現 Octopus-inspired adhesive skins for intelligent and rapidly switchable underwater adhesion

Sean T. Frey, A. B. M. Tahidul Haque, Ravi Tutika, Elizabeth V. Krotz, […], and Michael D. Bartlett
Science Advances  Published:13 Jul 2022


The octopus couples controllable adhesives with intricately embedded sensing, processing, and control to manipulate underwater objects. Current synthetic adhesive–based manipulators are typically manually operated without sensing or control and can be slow to activate and release adhesion, which limits system-level manipulation. Here, we couple switchable, octopus-inspired adhesives with embedded sensing, processing, and control for robust underwater manipulation. Adhesion strength is switched over 450× from the ON to OFF state in <50 ms over many cycles with an actively controlled membrane. Systematic design of adhesive geometry enables adherence to nonideal surfaces with low preload and independent control of adhesive strength and adhesive toughness for strong and reliable attachment and easy release. Our bio-inspired nervous system detects objects and autonomously triggers the switchable adhesives. This is implemented into a wearable glove where an array of adhesives and sensors creates a biomimetic adhesive skin to manipulate diverse underwater objects.
