地球温暖化予測は想像以上に信憑性が高い(Catastrophically warm predictions are more plausible than we thought)


2024-10-11 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



気候感度を評価するためのネットワークベースの制約 network-based constraint to evaluate climate sensitivity

Lucile Ricard,Fabrizio Falasca,Jakob Runge & Athanasios Nenes
Nature Communications  Published:13 August 2024

地球温暖化予測は想像以上に信憑性が高い(Catastrophically warm predictions are more plausible than we thought)


The 2015 Paris agreement was established to limit Greenhouse gas (GHG) global warming below 1.5°C above preindustrial era values. Knowledge of climate sensitivity to GHG levels is central for formulating effective climate policies, yet its exact value is shroud in uncertainty. Climate sensitivity is quantitatively expressed in terms of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) and Transient Climate Response (TCR), estimating global temperature responses after an abrupt or transient doubling of CO2. Here, we represent the complex and highly-dimensional behavior of modelled climate via low-dimensional emergent networks to evaluate Climate Sensitivity (netCS), by first reconstructing meaningful components describing regional subprocesses, and secondly inferring the causal links between these to construct causal networks. We apply this methodology to Sea Surface Temperature (SST) simulations and investigate two different metrics in order to derive weighted estimates that yield likely ranges of ECS (2.35–4.81°C) and TCR (1.53-2.60°C). These ranges are narrower than the unconstrained distributions and consistent with the ranges of the IPCC AR6 estimates. More importantly, netCS demonstrates that SST patterns (at “fast” timescales) are linked to climate sensitivity; SST patterns over the historical period exclude median sensitivity but not low-sensitivity (ECS < 3.0°C) or very high sensitivity (ECS ≥ 4.5°C) models.
