リチウム電池の耐久性を向上させる新しい方法を発見(Scientists find new way to enhance durability of lithium batteries)


2024-06-11 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)



エピタキシャルエントロピーアシストコーティングにより、急速充電中の超高Ni正極のひずみ伝播を抑制 Suppressing strain propagation in ultrahigh-Ni cathodes during fast charging via epitaxial entropy-assisted coating

Chen Zhao,Chuanwei Wang,Xiang Liu,Inhui Hwang,Tianyi Li,Xinwei Zhou,Jiecheng Diao,Junjing Deng,Yan Qin,Zhenzhen Yang,Guanyi Wang,Wenqian Xu,Chengjun Sun,Longlong Wu,Wonsuk Cha,Ian Robinson,Ross Harder,Yi Jiang,Tekin Bicer,Jun-Tao Li,Wenquan Lu,Luxi Li,Yuzi Liu,Shi-Gang Sun,… Khalil Amine
Nature Energy  Published:29 February 2024

リチウム電池の耐久性を向上させる新しい方法を発見(Scientists find new way to enhance durability of lithium batteries)


Surface reconstruction and the associated severe strain propagation have long been reported as the major cause of cathode failure during fast charging and long-term cycling. Despite tremendous attempts, no known strategies can simultaneously address the electro-chemomechanical instability without sacrificing energy and power density. Here we report an epitaxial entropy-assisted coating strategy for ultrahigh-Ni LiNixCoyMn1−xyO2 (x ≥ 0.9) cathodes via an oriented attachment-driven reaction between Wadsley–Roth phase-based oxides and the layered-oxide cathodes. The high anti-cracking and anti-corrosion tolerances as well as the fast ionic transport of the entropy-assisted surface effectively improved the fast charging/discharging capability, wide temperature tolerance and thermal stability of the ultrahigh-Ni cathodes. Comprehensive analysis from the primary and secondary particle level to the electrode level using multi-scale in situ synchrotron X-ray probes reveals greatly reduced lattice dislocations, anisotropic lattice strain and oxygen release as well as improved bulk/local structural stability, even when charging beyond the threshold state of charge (75%) of layered cathodes.
