より思いやりのある機関のためのAI(AI for more caring institutions)


2024-05-14 ハーバード大学

より思いやりのある機関のためのAI(AI for more caring institutions)

◆公的サービスがアルゴリズムに依存して決定を下すことが増えていますが、サービス拒否の影響を受ける人々のための設計は不足しています。ハーバード大学のNaveena Karusalaらは、アルゴリズムを再設計し、影響を受ける人々が決定を理解し異議を申し立てやすくする方法を模索しています。


限界における競争可能性を理解する: 公共サービスにおけるアルゴリズムによる意思決定の設計への示唆 Understanding Contestability on the Margins: Implications for the Design of Algorithmic Decision-making in Public Services

Naveena Karusala,Sohini Upadhyay,Rajesh Veeraraghavan,Krzysztof Z. Gajos
CHI ’24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems  Published:11 May 2024


Policymakers have established that the ability to contest decisions made by or with algorithms is core to responsible artificial intelligence (AI). However, there has been a disconnect between research on contestability of algorithms, and what the situated practice of contestation looks like in contexts across the world, especially amongst communities on the margins. We address this gap through a qualitative study of follow-up and contestation in accessing public services for land ownership in rural India and affordable housing in the urban United States. We find there are significant barriers to exercising rights and contesting decisions, which intermediaries like NGO workers or lawyers work with communities to address. We draw on the notion of accompaniment in global health to highlight the open-ended work required to support people in navigating violent social systems. We discuss the implications of our findings for key aspects of contestability, including building capacity for contestation, human review, and the role of explanations. We also discuss how sociotechnical systems of algorithmic decision-making can embody accompaniment by taking on a higher burden of preventing denials and enabling contestation.
