新しい研究により、気候緩和に関する将来の健康への影響の可能性が明らかになった(New study reveals possible future health impacts related to climate mitigation)


2023-05-18 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

◆化石燃料の使用量を減らせば大気の質が改善すると思われるが、ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究チームによると、それは単純な話ではない。彼らは約30,000のシミュレーションされた将来のシナリオを調査し、一部の気候変動緩和策が特定の地域で健康に有害な影響をもたらす可能性があることを発見した。研究結果はNature Sustainability誌に掲載された。




地球規模の気候緩和が地域の大気質と健康に及ぼす影響 Effects of global climate mitigation on regional air quality and health

Xinyuan Huang,Vivek Srikrishnan,Jonathan Lamontagne,Klaus Keller & Wei Peng

Nature Sustainability  Published:18 May 2023


新しい研究により、気候緩和に関する将来の健康への影響の可能性が明らかになった(New study reveals possible future health impacts related to climate mitigation)


Climate mitigation can bring air quality and health co-benefits. How these health impacts might be distributed across countries remains unclear. Here we use a coupled climate–energy–health model to assess the country-varying health effects of a global carbon price across nearly 30,000 future states of the world (SOWs). As a carbon price lowers fossil fuel use, our analysis suggests consistent reductions in ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels and associated mortality risks in countries that currently suffer most from air pollution. For a few less-polluted countries, however, a carbon price can increase the mortality risks under some of the considered SOWs due to emissions increases from bioenergy use and land-use changes. These potential health co-harms are largely driven in our model by the scale and method of deforestation. A robust and quantitative understanding of these distributional outcomes requires improved representations of relevant deep uncertainties, country-specific characteristics and cross-sector interactions.
