ドローンとレーザーを使って温室効果ガスの漏れを突き止める(Using drones and lasers, researchers pinpoint greenhouse gas leaks)


2023-04-14 プリンストン大学

ドローンとレーザーを使って温室効果ガスの漏れを突き止める(Using drones and lasers, researchers pinpoint greenhouse gas leaks)
The retroflector mounted onto the drone. Photo by Bumper DeJesus



分散分光法を用いた定点観測とドローンによるメタンガスプルーム位置の特定 Stationary and drone-assisted methane plume localization with dispersion spectroscopy

Michael G. Soskind, Nathan P. Li, Daniel P. Moore, Yifeng Chen, Lars P. Wendt, James McSpiritt, Mark A. Zondlo, Gerard Wysocki
Remote Sensing of Environment  Available online :1 March 2023


•A remote spectroscopic sensing system developed to quantify and localize emissions.
•An advanced optical transceiver for active-tracking of a flying UAV-retroreflector.
•Field demonstration of remote UAV-based location of emission sources to within ∼1 m.
•Two different configurations tested using stationary and UAV-based retroreflectors.
•Two inversion methods for tomographic plume mapping and emissions quantification.


This work presents stationary and mobile retroreflector-based remote sensing techniques for methane leak localization and quantification using chirped laser dispersion spectroscopy equipped with a custom laser transceiver capable of continuous tracking of a flying drone and coupled with inverse atmospheric gas dispersion modeling. The techniques demonstrate the ability to localize leaks as low as 0.13 g CH4·s−1, which are up to 25 times smaller than those typically observed at natural gas facilities, as well as actively track a moving retroreflector mounted on a lightweight (∼250 g) drone to enable spatial plume reconstruction. This system exhibited a 2.3 ppm-m sensitivity over pathlengths of 40–150 m. Source localization to within ±7 m is demonstrated using a modified horizontal radial plume mapping technique with a stationary retroreflector grid. Meanwhile, the mobile system utilizing a drone-mounted retroreflector is able to localize a controlled release within ±1 m of its source location and estimate leak rates using inversion techniques assuming type B Gaussian plume stability class within ±30% error with respect to the actual low flow rate releases.
