カリフォルニア沿岸の地盤沈下と隆起を測定する最新研究 (NASA-Led Study Pinpoints Areas Sinking, Rising Along California Coast)


2025-02-10 NASA

NASA主導の研究チームは、カリフォルニア州沿岸部の地盤変動を詳細に調査し、特定の地域で地盤の沈降や隆起が発生していることを明らかにしました。 この研究では、サンフランシスコ湾岸地域の一部で年間数ミリメートルの沈降が確認され、特に人工的な埋め立て地や地下水の過剰な汲み上げが原因と考えられる地域で顕著でした。一方、サンタバーバラ近郊の一部地域では、地殻活動に起因する隆起が観測されました。これらの地盤変動は、海面上昇と相まって沿岸部の洪水リスクを高める可能性があり、インフラの計画や防災対策において重要な考慮事項となります。


変動する陸地の鉛直運動と海面上昇予測への影響 Variable vertical land motion and its impacts on sea level rise projections

Marin Govorcin, David P. S. Bekaert, Benjamin D. Hamlington, Simran S. Sangha, and William Sweet
Science Advances  Published:29 Jan 2025

カリフォルニア沿岸の地盤沈下と隆起を測定する最新研究 (NASA-Led Study Pinpoints Areas Sinking, Rising Along California Coast)


Coastal vertical land motion (VLM), including uplift and subsidence, can greatly alter relative sea level projections and flood mitigations plans. Yet, current projection frameworks, such as the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, often underestimate VLM by relying on regional linear estimates. Using high-resolution (90-meter) satellite data from 2015 to 2023, we provide local VLM estimates for California and assess their contribution to sea level rise both now and in future. Our findings reveal that regional estimates substantially understate sea level rise in parts of San Francisco and Los Angeles, projecting more than double the expected rise by 2050. Additionally, temporally variable (nonlinear) VLM, driven by factors such as hydrocarbon and groundwater extraction, can increase uncertainties in 2050 projections by up to 0.4 meters in certain areas of Los Angeles and San Diego. This study highlights the critical need to include local VLM and its uncertainties in sea level rise assessments to improve coastal management and ensure effective adaptation efforts.
