炭素捕獲における「死の谷」に橋を架ける(Bridging the “Valley of Death” in carbon capture)


2024-07-18 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

気候変動の影響を軽減するための取り組みが世界中で進められており、特にCO₂排出削減と炭素捕獲技術が注目されています。しかし、研究と実際の実装の間のギャップを埋めるのは難しく、「死の谷」とも呼ばれています。この課題に対して、EPFLのBerend SmitとHeriot-Watt大学のSusana Garciaが主導するPrISMaプラットフォームが開発されました。PrISMaは材料科学、プロセス設計、テクノ経済評価、ライフサイクルアセスメントを統合し、複数の利害関係者の視点を考慮した革新的なツールです。このプラットフォームは先進的なシミュレーションと機械学習を使用して、最も効果的かつ持続可能な解決策を特定し、新素材の性能を予測します。これにより、従来の試行錯誤法を超えた迅速な素材発見が可能となります。PrISMaは材料層、プロセス層、テクノ経済分析層、ライフサイクルアセスメント層の4つの層で評価を行い、CO₂捕獲プラントの設計と実装を支援します。


吸着剤を用いた炭素回収を加速する総合的プラットフォーム A holistic platform for accelerating sorbent-based carbon capture

Charithea Charalambous,Elias Moubarak,Johannes Schilling,Eva Sanchez Fernandez,Jin-Yu Wang,Laura Herraiz,Fergus Mcilwaine,Shing Bo Peh,Matthew Garvin,Kevin Maik Jablonka,Seyed Mohamad Moosavi,Joren Van Herck,Aysu Yurdusen Ozturk,Alireza Pourghaderi,Ah-Young Song,Georges Mouchaham,Christian Serre,Jeffrey A. Reimer,André Bardow,Berend Smit & Susana Garcia
Nature  Published:17 July 2024

炭素捕獲における「死の谷」に橋を架ける(Bridging the “Valley of Death” in carbon capture)


Reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions urgently requires the large-scale deployment of carbon-capture technologies. These technologies must separate CO2 from various sources and deliver it to different sinks1,2. The quest for optimal solutions for specific source–sink pairs is a complex, multi-objective challenge involving multiple stakeholders and depends on social, economic and regional contexts. Currently, research follows a sequential approach: chemists focus on materials design3 and engineers on optimizing processes4,5, which are then operated at a scale that impacts the economy and the environment. Assessing these impacts, such as the greenhouse gas emissions over the plant’s lifetime, is typically one of the final steps6. Here we introduce the PrISMa (Process-Informed design of tailor-made Sorbent Materials) platform, which integrates materials, process design, techno-economics and life-cycle assessment. We compare more than 60 case studies capturing CO2 from various sources in 5 global regions using different technologies. The platform simultaneously informs various stakeholders about the cost-effectiveness of technologies, process configurations and locations, reveals the molecular characteristics of the top-performing sorbents, and provides insights on environmental impacts, co-benefits and trade-offs. By uniting stakeholders at an early research stage, PrISMa accelerates carbon-capture technology development during this critical period as we aim for a net-zero world.
