リチウムイオン電池に比べ、航続距離を大幅に伸ばせる新しい設計のリチウム空気電池を開発(New design for lithium-air battery could offer much longer driving range compared with the lithium-ion battery)


新しい電池が自動車、飛行機、トラックなどの動力源になる日が来るかもしれない New batteries could one day power cars, airplanes, trucks

2023-02-22 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

Images of a car, truck, and airplane next to a cube shape divided into layers illustrating different components in a lithium-air battery cell. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)
Schematic shows lithium-air battery cell consisting of lithium metal anode, air-based cathode, and solid ceramic polymer electrolyte (CPE). On discharge and charge, lithium ions (Li+) go from anode to cathode, then back. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)

◆研究チームは、4電子反応が実際に起こっていることを確認するために、さまざまな技術を採用した。その1つが、アルゴンヌのナノスケール材料センター(DOE Office of Scienceのユーザー施設)で行われた、カソード表面の放電生成物の透過電子顕微鏡観察(TEM)である。このTEM画像から、4電子放電のメカニズムについて貴重な知見が得られた。


固体電解質を用いた室温充電可能なLi2O系リチウム空気電池を開発 A room temperature rechargeable Li2O-based lithium-air battery enabled by a solid electrolyte

Alireza Kondori ,Mohammadreza Esmaeilirad ,Ahmad Mosen Harzandi,Rachid Amine,Mahmoud Tamadoni Saray,Lei Yu,Tongchao Liu,Jianguo Wen,Nannan Shan,Hsien-Hau Wang,Anh T. Ngo,Paul C. Redfern,Christopher S. Johnson,Khalil Amine,Reza Shahbazian-Yassar,Larry A. Curtiss,Mohammad Asadi
Science  Published:2 Feb 2023

An enabling composite electrolyte

Lithium-air batteries have scope to compete with gasoline in terms of energy density. However, in most systems, the reaction pathways either involve one- or two-electron transfer, leading to lithium peroxide (Li2O2) or lithium superoxide (LiO2), respectively. Kondori et al. investigated a lithium-air battery that uses a ceramic-polyethylene oxide–based composite solid electrolyte and found that it can undergo a four-electron redox reaction through lithium oxide (Li2O) formation and decomposition (see the Perspective by Dong and Lu). The composite electrolyte embedded with Li10GeP2S12 nanoparticles shows high ionic conductivity and stability and high cycle stability through a four-electron transfer process. —MSL


A lithium-air battery based on lithium oxide (Li2O) formation can theoretically deliver an energy density that is comparable to that of gasoline. Lithium oxide formation involves a four-electron reaction that is more difficult to achieve than the one- and two-electron reaction processes that result in lithium superoxide (LiO2) and lithium peroxide (Li2O2), respectively. By using a composite polymer electrolyte based on Li10GeP2S12 nanoparticles embedded in a modified polyethylene oxide polymer matrix, we found that Li2O is the main product in a room temperature solid-state lithium-air battery. The battery is rechargeable for 1000 cycles with a low polarization gap and can operate at high rates. The four-electron reaction is enabled by a mixed ion–electron-conducting discharge product and its interface with air.

