赤外線熱伝達による化学反応の制御(Using infrared heat transfer to modify chemical reactions)


2025-01-20 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)の研究チームは、赤外線を利用した熱伝導による化学反応の制御方法を発表しました。光学キャビティ内で赤外線を用いて結晶脱水反応を促進し、必要温度を最大14°C低下させました。この技術は放射エネルギー輸送による熱分布を活用しており、新たな触媒システムや化学反応制御への応用が期待されます。この研究は2025年1月16日に「Nature Chemistry」に掲載されました。


振動の弱結合と強結合が空洞を介した放射エネルギー移動によって化学反応を修飾する Vibrational weak and strong coupling modify a chemical reaction via cavity-mediated radiative energy transfer

Zachary T. Brawley,Sindhana Pannir-Sivajothi,Ju Eun Yim,Yong Rui Poh,Joel Yuen-Zhou & Matthew Sheldon
Nature Chemistry  Published:16 January 2025

赤外線熱伝達による化学反応の制御(Using infrared heat transfer to modify chemical reactions)


Controlling reaction outcomes through external influences is a central goal in chemistry. Vibrational coupling between molecular vibrations and cavity modes is rapidly emerging as a distinct strategy compared with conventional thermochemical and photochemical methods; however, insight into the fundamental mechanisms remains limited. Here we investigate how vibrational weak and strong coupling in plasmonic nanocavities modifies the thermal dehydration of copper sulfate pentahydrate. We demonstrate that light–matter coupling reduces the onset temperature for dehydration by up to 14 °C, and we attribute this effect to enhanced radiative energy transport that is mediated by resonant electromagnetic modes, eliminating temperature gradients in the coupled system. Our findings provide direct evidence of localized energy transfer leading to modified chemical behaviour in specific regions of high optical density of states. This work establishes a mechanism for modifying thermally driven chemical processes using optical cavities, with implications for the development of catalytic systems that exploit these tailored interactions to achieve targeted reaction control.
