ナノ栄養素が土壌汚染の影響を和らげ、作物の収量を増加させる可能性(Nano-Nutrients Can Blunt Effects of Soil Contamination, Boost Crop Yields)


2024-10-15 マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校

UMass Amherstを中心とした国際研究チームは、ナノ材料が土壌中のヒ素、カドミウム、鉛、水銀の蓄積を38%減少させ、収穫量を23%向上させることを発見しました。ナノ栄養素は、従来の肥料よりも効果的に汚染を緩和し、作物の成長と栄養価を向上させることが示されています。この研究は、170の論文から収集されたデータを分析し、ナノ材料が持続可能な農業と食料安全保障に役立つことを示しています。


工学的ナノ材料が金属(ロイド)蓄積を減少させ、持続可能な農業のための主食生産を強化する Engineered nanomaterials reduce metal(loid) accumulation and enhance staple food production for sustainable agriculture

Yini Cao,Chuanxin Ma,Jason C. White,Yuchi Cao,Fan Zhang,Ran Tong,Hao Yu,Yi Hao,Wende Yan,Melanie Kah &Baoshan Xing
Nature Food  Published:11 October 2024

ナノ栄養素が土壌汚染の影響を和らげ、作物の収量を増加させる可能性(Nano-Nutrients Can Blunt Effects of Soil Contamination, Boost Crop Yields)


Metal(loid) contaminants in food pose a global health concern. This study offers a global analysis of the impact of nanomaterials (NMs) on crop responses to metal(loid) stresses. Our findings reveal that NMs have a positive effect on the biomass production of staple crops (22.8%), while showing inhibitory effects on metal(loid) accumulation in plants (−38.3%) and oxidative damage (−21.6%) under metal(loid) stress conditions. These effects are influenced by various factors such as NM dose, exposure duration, size and composition. Here we introduce a method using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values by integrating the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution and entropy weights to compare the effectiveness of different NM application patterns. These results offer practical insights for the application of NMs in similar multi-criteria decision-making scenarios, contributing to sustainable agriculture and global food safety.
