編み物の物理学を解き明かす(Unraveling the Physics of Knitting)


2024-06-03 ジョージア工科大学

編み物は、昔から自然繊維をループやステッチで布にする技術で、近年では先進的な製造に応用されています。織物は、柔軟で耐久性があり、形状や弾力性を自由にカスタマイズできます。ジョージア工科大学の物理学者たちは、編み物の技術に数学的な理論を加え、編み物の力学を理解し、エンジニアリングに応用できる技術を開発しました。彼らの研究は「Nature Communications」に掲載され、編み物がソフトロボティクスやウェアラブル技術など、多様な分野での応用可能性を示しています。


編み物素材の仕組みをステッチごとにプログラミングする Programming mechanics in knitted materials, stitch by stitch

Krishma Singal,Michael S. Dimitriyev,Sarah E. Gonzalez,A. Patrick Cachine,Sam Quinn & Elisabetta A. Matsumoto
Nature Communications  Published:23 March 2024

編み物の物理学を解き明かす(Unraveling the Physics of Knitting)


Knitting turns yarn, a 1D material, into a 2D fabric that is flexible, durable, and can be patterned to adopt a wide range of 3D geometries. Like other mechanical metamaterials, the elasticity of knitted fabrics is an emergent property of the local stitch topology and pattern that cannot solely be attributed to the yarn itself. Thus, knitting can be viewed as an additive manufacturing technique that allows for stitch-by-stitch programming of elastic properties and has applications in many fields ranging from soft robotics and wearable electronics to engineered tissue and architected materials. However, predicting these mechanical properties based on the stitch type remains elusive. Here we untangle the relationship between changes in stitch topology and emergent elasticity in several types of knitted fabrics. We combine experiment and simulation to construct a constitutive model for the nonlinear bulk response of these fabrics. This model serves as a basis for composite fabrics with bespoke mechanical properties, which crucially do not depend on the constituent yarn.
