「量子なだれ」が非伝導体が伝導体に変わる仕組みを説明する(‘Quantum avalanche’ explains how nonconductors turn into conductors)


2023-07-24 バッファロー大学(UB)

◆物理学者のJong Hanは、この現象に対する新たなアプローチを研究しました。彼は電子が上位バンドに存在している場合のシミュレーションを行い、小さな電場でも下位バンドと上位バンドの隙間が消失し、量子経路が生じることを示しました。これにより、従来の公式での矛盾が解決され、電子と熱によるスイッチングが同時に起こることがわかりました。


インギャップ梯子状態を介した量子なだれによる相関絶縁体崩壊 Correlated insulator collapse due to quantum avalanche via in-gap ladder states

Jong E. Han,Camille Aron,Xi Chen,Ishiaka Mansaray,Jae-Ho Han,Ki-Seok Kim,Michael Randle & Jonathan P. Bird
Nature Communications  Published:22 May 2023

「量子なだれ」が非伝導体が伝導体に変わる仕組みを説明する(‘Quantum avalanche’ explains how nonconductors turn into conductors)


The significant discrepancy observed between the predicted and experimental switching fields in correlated insulators under a DC electric field far-from-equilibrium necessitates a reevaluation of current microscopic understanding. Here we show that an electron avalanche can occur in the bulk limit of such insulators at arbitrarily small electric field by introducing a generic model of electrons coupled to an inelastic medium of phonons. The quantum avalanche arises by the generation of a ladder of in-gap states, created by a multi-phonon emission process. Hot-phonons in the avalanche trigger a premature and partial collapse of the correlated gap. The phonon spectrum dictates the existence of two-stage versus single-stage switching events which we associate with charge-density-wave and Mott resistive phase transitions, respectively. The behavior of electron and phonon temperatures, as well as the temperature dependence of the threshold fields, demonstrates how a crossover between the thermal and quantum switching scenarios emerges within a unified framework of the quantum avalanche.
