気候変動の影響で海の色が変化している(Study: The ocean’s color is changing as a consequence of climate change)


2023-07-12 マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)

◆MITと英国のNational Oceanography Centerの科学者らは、過去20年間に海の色が大幅に変化し、これは人間による気候変動の結果である可能性が高いと報告しています。熱帯地域の海域が特に緑色に変化しており、海の色の変化は表面海洋の生態系の変化を示しています。


海洋生態系を示す指標から、地球規模の気候変動傾向が検出される Global climate-change trends detected in indicators of ocean ecology

B. B. Cael,Kelsey Bisson,Emmanuel Boss,Stephanie Dutkiewicz & Stephanie Henson
Nature  Published:12 July 2023

気候変動の影響で海の色が変化している(Study: The ocean’s color is changing as a consequence of climate change)


Strong natural variability has been thought to mask possible climate-change-driven trends in phytoplankton populations from Earth-observing satellites. More than 30 years of continuous data were thought to be needed to detect a trend driven by climate change1. Here we show that climate-change trends emerge more rapidly in ocean colour (remote-sensing reflectance, Rrs), because Rrs is multivariate and some wavebands have low interannual variability. We analyse a 20-year Rrs time series from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua satellite, and find significant trends in Rrs for 56% of the global surface ocean, mainly equatorward of 40°. The climate-change signal in Rrs emerges after 20 years in similar regions covering a similar fraction of the ocean in a state-of-the-art ecosystem model2, which suggests that our observed trends indicate shifts in ocean colour—and, by extension, in surface-ocean ecosystems—that are driven by climate change. On the whole, low-latitude oceans have become greener in the past 20 years.
