0300航空・宇宙一般 NASAの光通信デモ、1億4,000万マイル以上の距離をデータ伝送(NASA’s Optical Comms Demo Transmits Data Over 140 Million Miles) 2024-04-25 NASANASA’s Psyche spacecraft is shown in a clean room at the Astrotech Space Operations facility near the age... 2024-04-26 0300航空・宇宙一般0404情報通信
0300航空・宇宙一般 NASAの深宇宙光通信デモ、最初のデータを送受信(NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data) 2023-11-16 NASANASA’s Psyche spacecraft is shown in a clean room at the Astrotech Space Operations facility near the age... 2023-11-17 0300航空・宇宙一般