
NASAの光通信デモ、1億4,000万マイル以上の距離をデータ伝送(NASA’s Optical Comms Demo Transmits Data Over 140 Million Miles) 0300航空・宇宙一般

NASAの光通信デモ、1億4,000万マイル以上の距離をデータ伝送(NASA’s Optical Comms Demo Transmits Data Over 140 Million Miles)

2024-04-25 NASANASA’s Psyche spacecraft is shown in a clean room at the Astrotech Space Operations facility near the age...
NASAの深宇宙光通信デモ、最初のデータを送受信(NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data) 0300航空・宇宙一般

NASAの深宇宙光通信デモ、最初のデータを送受信(NASA’s Deep Space Optical Comm Demo Sends, Receives First Data)

2023-11-16 NASANASA’s Psyche spacecraft is shown in a clean room at the Astrotech Space Operations facility near the age...