Arp 271銀河

ハッブル、銀河の歪みを観測:NGC 5427のハッブル宇宙望遠鏡画像(Hubble Observes a Galactic Distortion:The galaxy NGC 5427 shines in this new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image.) 1701物理及び化学

ハッブル、銀河の歪みを観測:NGC 5427のハッブル宇宙望遠鏡画像(Hubble Observes a Galactic Distortion:The galaxy NGC 5427 shines in this new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image.)

2024-01-31 NASA The galaxy NGC 5427 shines in this new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image. NASA, ESA, and R. Foley (Unive...