1202農芸化学 米国南東部全域で雑草イネが作物イネから除草剤耐性を奪う(Across southeastern US, weedy rice steals herbicide resistance from crop rice) 2024-12-16 ワシントン大学セントルイス校Weedy rice is an agricultural pest that is closely related to crop rice. Here, weedy rice grows... 2024-12-18 1202農芸化学
1206農村環境 急速な進化で除草剤耐性を獲得した雑草イネ(Weedy rice has become herbicide resistant through rapid evolution) 国内最大の米生産地で脅威となる、除草剤に耐性を持つ攻撃的な雑草が発生Aggressive, herbicide-resistant weed is a threat in nation’s largest rice production r... 2022-09-09 1206農村環境