樹木を安価で環境に優しい工業用化学品に変える可能性を発見(Finding Could Help Turn Trees Into Affordable, Greener Industrial Chemicals)


2024-10-18 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)



低リグニンを超えて:発酵細菌による植物バイオマス変換の主な障壁を特定する Beyond low lignin: Identifying the primary barrier to plant biomass conversion by fermentative bacteria

Ryan G. Bing, Daniel B. Sulis, Morgan J. Carey, Mohamad J. H. Manesh, […], and Robert M. Kelly
Science Advances  Published:18 Oct 2024

樹木を安価で環境に優しい工業用化学品に変える可能性を発見(Finding Could Help Turn Trees Into Affordable, Greener Industrial Chemicals)


Renewable alternatives for nonelectrifiable fossil-derived chemicals are needed and plant matter, the most abundant biomass on Earth, provide an ideal feedstock. However, the heterogeneous polymeric composition of lignocellulose makes conversion difficult. Lignin presents a formidable barrier to fermentation of nonpretreated biomass. Extensive chemical and enzymatic treatments can liberate fermentable carbohydrates from plant biomass, but microbial routes offer many advantages, including concomitant conversion to industrial chemicals. Here, testing of lignin content of nonpretreated biomass using the cellulolytic thermophilic bacterium, Anaerocellum bescii, revealed that the primary microbial degradation barrier relates to methoxy substitutions in lignin. This contrasts with optimal lignin composition for chemical pretreatment that favors high S/G ratio and low H lignin. Genetically modified poplar trees with diverse lignin compositions confirm these findings. In addition, poplar trees with low methoxy content achieve industrially relevant levels of microbial solubilization without any pretreatments and with no impact on tree fitness in greenhouse.
